District 6 Newsletter 2/4/24

Dear ,

There is a lot going on around here—so please see updates below! And please let your friends and neighbors know they can sign up for these newsletters at claycapp.com.

The East Bank

Since the East Bank is going to especially affect us in East, our neighboring District 5’s Council Member Sean Parker and I held a town hall last week to hear from our districts. It was a lot of fun! It was wonderful to hear from everyone who came out, spoke, asked questions and advocated!

I will continue working for the East Bank to be a neighborhood, with as much affordable housing as we can achieve, and one that is safe and accessible for transit, bikes, and pedestrians. Also importantly, while it is being built, we need to make sure we don’t get our connections across town cut off—and I will be emphasizing that throughout the process.

I am expecting the Mayor’s Office to submit a proposed lease to the Council in a month or so, covering the first 30 acres. There will be more discussion and community meetings before that, and throughout. Coming up next will be a walk-through of the site, which I’ll be co-hosting with District 19’s Jacob Kupin. This will likely happen on Saturday 2/17 — but please keep an eye on my social media for details (you can find those, if you need, at claycapp.com)

Other Upcoming Meetings

  1. At the Council Meeting on Tuesday, 2/6, there will be a pre-budget public hearing. It doesn’t replace the public hearing process for the actual budget later this year, but is a separate and earlier chance for the public to advocate for priorities in the upcoming budget. Please see more info below:

  1. As you know, part of South 10th Street and a small portion of Shelby Avenue near its intersection with 10th were rezoned at the end of the last council term. But the Neighborhood Conservation Design Guidelines were not changed to coincide. I have heard interest from the neighborhoods in bringing the Design Guidelines into alignment, and so have scheduled a public meeting on this subject for 2/15, at 6:00pm at the Episcopal School, at 1310 Ordway. This discussion will only apply east of 10th Street, i.e., to the East End-Lockeland Springs Design Guidelines, not to those of Edgefield.

    The Lockeland Springs Neighborhood Association’s general meeting will immediately follow this meeting, and I will attend there as well!

Resolution Against School Vouchers

Following the Council’s stand against the idea that Tennessee should refuse federal education funding, I also sponsored a resolution opposing the plan under consideration by our Legislature right now to defund public education by instituting a statewide school voucher program. I am proud of the Council for also passing this one without opposition. Channel 4 covered the Council’s stand here.

We are going to have to use all our voices to help stop this reactionary defunding of our schools. Let your State legislators know how you feel about this and reach out to your friends and family in other counties to do the same. Stay tuned here for other opportunities to show our support for public education!

Early Voting starts on 2/14!

It’s almost time to vote! The primary election for School Board, Circuit Court Judge, Assessor of Property, and for President is on 3/5, and early voting begins on 2/14. Please find early voting times and locations here, and make a plan to vote! See you at the polls!

Hope to see you soon. Yours in service, Clay